今晚在上Hitutor的實用英語的時候老師是Stephanie,一開始上課老師按照慣例開始small talk,問我今天過得怎麼樣... 心血來潮想跟她分享YNAB、交換彼此的部落格、聊新年的新計畫(New Year Resolution)... 課本都還沒打開一堂課50分鐘就這樣過去了,Free Talk成就達成! 特別是今天我不只是聽老師說,也跟老師交換了很多自己的想法,真的很開心看見自己的進步!

這次聊天意外發現Stephanie也是一個愛書人! 她還跟我分享了一個2016閱讀挑戰的清單: Take 2016's Ultimate Reading Challenge! 
超酷的! 它不是直接列出書單,而是列出不同種類的書單(40種),我們可以根據這些種類挑出自己覺得喜歡的來看,我決定加入挑戰,有機會再跟大家分享我挑的40本書!

  1. A book based on a fairy tale
  2. A National Book Award winner
  3. A YA bestseller
  4. A book you haven't read since high school
  5. A book set in your home state
  6. A book translated to English
  7. A romance set in the future
  8. A book set in Europe
  9. A book that's under 150 pages
  10. A New York Times bestseller
  11. A book that's becoming a movie this year
  12. A book recommended by someone you just met
  13. A self-improvement book
  14. A book you can finish  in a day
  15. A book written by a celebrity
  16. A political memoir
  17. A book a least 100 years older than you
  18. A book that's more than 600 pages
  19. A book from Oprah's Book Club
  20. A science-fiction novel
  21. A book recommended by a family member
  22. A graphic novel
  23. A book that is published in 2016
  24. A book with a protagonist who has your occupation
  25. A book that takes place during Summer
  26. A book and its prequel
  27. A murder mystery
  28. A book written by a comedian
  29. A dystopian novel
  30. A book with a blue cover
  31. A book of poetry
  32. A first book you see in a bookstore
  33. A classic from the 20th century
  34. A book from the library
  35. An autobiography
  36. A book about a road trip
  37. A book about a culture you're unfamiliar with
  38. A satirical book
  39. A book that takes place on an island
  40. A book that's guaranteed to bring you joy

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